Prints nicely, great fit 👍 Printed with an 0.2mm nozzle, Normal pla (roughness on the inside is due to moist filament and maybe too little infill) Printed with 2 wall thickness and 5% infill, Printed in 1h 20min. Due to the nature of the material it's a bit more noisy than the original plastic bowl and you give up the rubber "seal" if you can even call it that 😉
The feeder we have might be slightly different (maybe a newer/older model?) - the front half (where the bowl rests) is slightly higher than the back. And since this bowl is shallower than the one that comes with it, it doesn't sit on the bottom of the feeder - it just kinda hangs on the front part and it can rock back and forth a bit. But I can always shim the back or bottom if this becomes a problem.
Otherwise it printed great and fits perfectly. Looks like just what we needed - our cats don't like to eat out of the deep bowl that came with the feeder. Thanks for this!
I'm slightly concerned about using a 3D printed part in contact with food, so I think I'm going to coat this in food-safe two part epoxy first.
I've been DYING for someone better at this than myself to take this fantastic model and adapt it for the WH1000MX4's but properly molded out. I did find the exact concept already achieved for another foldable style headphone in these Fairbuds this guy made a perfect model for:
Just a thought if you ever wanted something more rugged as you seem to care for your tech as I try to do as well!
@Scottieeee_524195 Thanks! Standard White Jessie PLA from PrintedSolid. I usually have problems with white filament, this stuff printed great. (edited)
Printed it to use as a hanging lampshade. Used a hanging light that had a a screw-on piece to hold the shade. PETG, vase mode, 0.8mm extrusion width, 0.2mm layer height, fuzzy skin (from Prusa Slicer)
id love to see this made for popular sizes like 55,58,67,77,82 & 87 im guessing just scaling the whole print in the % difference on the X/Y axis wouldnt be the same?
Beautiful vase with clever drainage. Friends and family were very impressed! Kudos to the designer. scaled down to 75% perfect for my little succulent.
have been trying to make this model all morning and keep getting this odd blobbing effect that I've never had before. I'm kinda new to vase mode printing but I've made a few of your other models with no issues after following your instructions, not sure whats going on with this one though. If you have any ideas I'd really appreciate the help! great model though fiance if wanting me to make a bunch for her!
@JacobLandry_327643 Interesting. I'm glad we figured it out, but I'm sorry you had to turn off power loss recovery. To be fair, I've never used this feature, but I guess you never know.
Printed in red PolyTerra PLA and black PolyTerra PLA+ (for a bit of extra impact-resistance on the bottom part). Used the suggested settings and it printed beautifully. Only took my printer 10 hours in total!!!! I think I was able to get the wall speed up to 60 or 75mm/s. (edited)
Cool and easy print, sturdy enough to keep a bunch of heavy knives. You're free to change up the line width on the bottom part, the maximum line width for the top is 0.57mm before the part breaks (supersli3r 2.4)
Printed at 100mm/s 105% flow rate. Sunlu Rainbow PLA for the bottom, Sunlu Carbon Fiber PLA+ for the Top holding the knives.
UPDATE: There is now a Version that supports line width up to 0.8mm for the top part. Thanks to the uploader! (edited)
Very nice design, THANKS - I like printing vase mode designs with a bigger nozzle (1.2mm Volcano CHT on Sidewinder X2) - printed it with 1.25mm layer lines at 0.5mm layer heigth. I took the 7 inch "no bridging" model, scaled it up to 140% in X&Y (to almost account for the 50% bigger nozzle and make it fit the 24cm flower pot perfectly) and Z was scaled to 185cm. Material is PolyTerra PLA Candy