lightweight AMS Riser with LED etc.

Remix of “all” the other AMS risers. I completely rebuilt the model and I have adjusted a few things.
updated November 15, 2023



Where can I find the "bone connectors"?

Currently printing this Riser.
Is it compatible with any of the P1P printed side panels - eg from:

Thanks, works pretty well. Had to remove the two small teeths to make it match my versions of my AMS

Printed and installed on P1P (led's not installed). I added some double sided tape to hold it in place. One issue I do have is my PTFE cable likes to clack on the led lip, probably just some adjustment on my end. All in all, I'm happy with the design. (edited)

5/5 Easy to print, easy to assemble, gave it a quick lick of paint (edited)

Awesome design. I think it looks great. Even before I installed the LEDs I could see into the printer significantly clearer. The small lower rails were very challenging to remove the support from without breaking them. I tried to use PLA for the support interface, but the petg would not stick to it long enough to finish printing. So I increase the thickness of the rails and its support posts, which worked great. I had some printing blemishes after the tops of the holes, tried 2 petg materials and had the same blemishes. I will modify this more before printing again. I would like to be able to push the glass cover further back. I printed this on a P1S with bambu petg. .2mm layer height default standard setting with tree supports modified to be closer together.

Printed using Creality Black PETG. The fit is slightly loose, but it still works well.

This is a well thought design! The best!
There're so many out there are making the printer looking weird/ unmatched style. (edited)

Great print, but did struggle removing the supports, as printing with PETG, the rim often tore off with the supports.

Printed the second quarter that needed supports using the AMS and PLA for the interface, and it all broke off very cleanly.

It seems that Bambu Lab has changed the dimensions of the AMS, as mine refused to fit correctly on the stand, and I had to cut off some of the 'teeth' of the stand for it to fit. I have added images of the new spacing in hopes it is of use to the author.

@Markurian_1588382 I had the same issue as you. So i did the fix you did which was cut off the 4 pieces and it works fine.

Great design and the zip tie holes worked great to keep LEDs from sagging in the heat.

LEDs Added and it makes a big difference being able to see in the top much clearer.
LEDs used COB 5 v LED with RF controler.