Rugged Box with Handle (1 File and All Parametric)

Rugged box with latches and handle (all parametric). All parts including the lid are now in 1 file.
updated March 31, 2024



Great model. Made a version to hold my wife's public notary equipment. Thanks!

Worked great! Changed measurements on Fusion 360 to fit my needs and parametrically scaled correctly. Printed with 100% infill and PETG to make it sturdy. $5 in filament and hardware vs $100+ to buy a tough box!

Any way you could upload the CAD file for this box? I'm tinkering with a project that I'd like to put in this box.

I updated both the STL and F3D files so now all parts (box, lid, handle, and latch) are included in a single file. Now only 1 set of parameters needs modified and every part should scale accordingly. Hopefully this helps everyone out and makes this easier and less error prone.

the lid doesn't seem to scale with the box properly...?

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@Scoott_143929 now I'll have to print a whole other box to go with this extra lid! :) (edited)

@r14n_765305 Not a bad problem to have! I just updated the files and description. I combined the box and lid into a single f3d file now with only 1 set of parameters to modify, so it should be much easier and less prone to error now!

Work perfect

0.2 steps
15 % Infill
300 mm/s printspeed

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