This rugged box is a remix of the ‘Tool box parametric’ by Yanev.
UPDATE 2024_03_31 - I combined both the main box and lid into a single .f3d file so now only 1 set of parameters needs modified and all parts will adjust accordingly. This makes it much easier to modify the box size and should reduce mistakes when making these files.
This version adds a handle that can be attached to either the top or bottom bolts of the latches (I prefer bottom unless the box is very short). This version improves on other handle versions in that the handle is included in the .f3d box model and is parametric along with the rest of the box. So when you change dimensions to the box, the handle will change accordingly without having to measure and modify another file.
The handle maxes out in height of 45mm so it won't be awkwardly tall with a very tall box, and the minimum it will go is 25mm so it won't be too long with a very short box (this min and max is handled automatically in the fusion360 parameters). With a very short box you'll want to attach the handle to the top part of the latch so the handle will hang down snug against the box. WARNING: If the width of the box is made too narrow, it will break the parameters of the handle since there isn't enough room to attach one.
To attach the handle you'll need either a M3x35 or M3x40 bolt (M3x40 is a bit more secure). The rear hinge and other latch bolts require an M3x30. So in total you'll need the following hardware: 4 M3x30 bolts and 2 M3x40(or35) bolts.
The box has a groove where you can add 1.75mm TPU filament to it to make the box more dust/water resistant.
Along with the .f3d file, I included an stl file for people's convenience if they don't have fusion360. The include stl file is a box with internal dimensions of 180x120x70mm.
The author remixed this model.
There are 2 differences.