I really wanted to make the robe for the imperial guard but it proved to be too difficult. The robe is pretty much 360° around the neck and everything I made looked like trash so I'm going with it as is.
This design is meant to replace most of the Mini 13 armor. On top of downloading my files, you will still need to download the Mini 13 frame as well as mini13-armor-foot-2x.stl
I print everything with a layer height of 0.12 mm and a speed no faster than 50 mm/s. In my experience, printing any faster than that can cause the fit between parts to be too tight, sometimes to the point where they won't fit.
Supports will be needed for the head and waist 1. The are minimal but necessary.
To assemble the waist, first take the belt and fit waist 2 into it, then fit waist 1 into the belt. Everything else is pretty straightforward. The eyes fit into the head and the rest of the armor fits onto the frame the same way regular Mini 13 armor does.
The author remixed this model.
Remixed Mini 13