Toroidal Rotor Vase Mode Seamless v2

Toroidal Rotor for the Flying Propeller / Pull Copter, but uses vase mode to be seamless.
1× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
6.00 g
In the contest Make It Fly
updated June 11, 2023



v2 features include:

  1. Tapered shaft hole to make the propeller lift off easier.
  2. Blocking the shaft hole from the top side so you can only put it on in the correct orientation.
  3. Tested with TPU filament. Appears to fly just as well and far more durable with impacts.


I liked the toroidal design, but didn't like the seams and warts caused by travel.

So I made this.

It uses approximately the same amount of filament, but since it's vase mode, it lacks the seam warts, and prints in less than half the time.

The .3mf files are pre-configured to properly slice.

If you want to instead use the STL files and configure your own slicer, here are the critical configurations. These are made using PrusaSlicer terms:

  1. Enable Vase Mode.
  2. Zero bottom layers.
  3. “Slice Gap Closing Radius” MUST be set to zero.
    I am using creative modeling to force Vase Mode to create internal geometry, and without this set all internal geometry is erased during slicing.
  4. Extrusion width for the following MUST be set to 0.8mm (works fine with 0.4mm nozzle):
    1. First layer
    2. External perimeters
  5. You will want to set “Elephant foot compensation” to zero as well.
  6. Possibly increase your Extrusion Multiplier if you're having issues with walls not sticking to each other.

OpenSCAD file is provided with customizer options configured allowing you to produce the STL files.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
