This is a functional Christmas Tree that you can hang ornaments from. Vase Mode parts for low filament use.
updated November 1, 2023



Here is a Christmas Tree that looks somewhat closer to the real thing, and that you can actually hang ornaments from.

This model was designed with PrusaSlicer in mind, so match any slicer terms to your slicer's equivalent.

Each piece should be printed in Vase Mode.

I used the default “0.2mm Quality” profile with a 0.4mm nozzle during testing.

Printing profile modifications:

  1. “Slice Gap Closing Radius” MUST be set to zero.
    I am using creative modeling to force Vase Mode to create internal geometry, and without this set all internal geometry is erased during slicing and nothing will fit on the core rod.
  2. You might want to set “Elephant foot compensation” to zero as well.
    This mainly is so parts touching the core rod fit nicer, but you can use force as well.

I suggest first printing the core_rod_* that fits your printer, then the base, and then topper/tip.

Once you have those printed, then start printing the smallest layer_#, to the largest layer_# your print bed can fit.

Once full layers no longer fit, start printing individual branches_# and layer_connector pieces.

Rotate each layer 180 degrees on the core rod to have the tree be more filled out.

This could be scaled up quite large with a different core rod, like square aluminum extrusion.
Contact me if you feel ambitious and would like larger scale parts.


If you want to use the ornaments shown in the picture, I have attached a 3mf file that contains suggested print settings.



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
