Knurled PC4-M10 filament pass through with 'funnel'

Easy to use filament pass through with built in 'funnel' for drybox
updated May 7, 2022



Cap version cracked on me, but the standard printed great! Need to put these MMU3 filaments in a box to keep them good!

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@SpectreGadget You know I missed the TPU part and now feel like a dunce :)

I had done a test in PLA, and then one in petg. I think though, I dont need the caps as much, since these will be used with the MMU, and it leaves all the tubes attached.

@TeamADW_1307817 hey no worries. I have the TPU caps on mine, but the main drybox i use is attached to my X1C all the time, so it's mostly for when in need to disconnect to do something different.

Makes feeding filament really easy. Thanks for sharing!

Would it be possible to upload .f3d or .step for the front piece with cap?

Simple but very effective, perfect solution for me.

In case you wonder what the thing below is: I stupidly drilled the first hole below the spool, not very smart to get filament into the fitting...
If you also need to cover a hole, I posted the cap in my projects.

Will be perfect for my airtight container.

Great model. I expanded the hex hole a bit to fit a slightly larger fitting I have, and opened up the funnel hole so 6mm OD PTFE tube could fit through, directly into the drybox. Worked great. Thanks!

After digging around for a while, this is the design I liked the most. Remixed a printed fitting and now the whole thing is plastic ( Happy as a pig in mud.

Perfect for my first dry box!

Getting the Fitting in was a little hard, but in the end it works very well :)

@SpectreGadget I posted the model of my roller, there are also all infos about the container.
Frist container i found that fits spooler thaz are a bit wider, but its also a little pricier with 10€ (edited)