Knurled PC4-M10 filament pass through with 'funnel'

Cap version cracked on me, but the standard printed great! Need to put these MMU3 filaments in a box to keep them good!

Prusa MK3S/+ & MMU2S/3
May 15, 2024 at 2:58 PM


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@TeamADW_1307817 hey no worries. I have the TPU caps on mine, but the main drybox i use is attached to my X1C all the time, so it's mostly for when in need to disconnect to do something different.

@SpectreGadget You know I missed the TPU part and now feel like a dunce :)

I had done a test in PLA, and then one in petg. I think though, I dont need the caps as much, since these will be used with the MMU, and it leaves all the tubes attached.