The author remixed this model.
I was impressed with the look of the U7 Pro Desk Stand that @fatih_273242 designed, but it wouldn't fit my older model Ubiquiti UniFi device. I did this remix to make it work for the UniFi U6 In-Wall (U6-IW) or the UniFi AC In-Wall (UAP-AC-IW). From the spec sheet, they have nearly the same dimensions and the same mounting points, so it should work for either.
To make it work, I expanded the the hole on the back of the stand to accommodate the wart on the rear of these devices for POE and ethernet in. I also widened the hole on the leg to allow more ethernet cables to pass through. See the attached pictures.
I printed on an Ender-3 V3 SE in PLA+ (my AP doesn't seem to run that hot), but otherwise followed the printing instructions from the original:
- Use four M3 bolts to attach the metal plate to the U7 Pro Wall. The bolt length is best at around 5mm, but I used 10 mm, and everything worked fine.
- Print it sideways; see the picture I attached.
- Print details:
- Print in PETG, ASA, ABS (anything that works better with high temperatures)
- Use infill of at least 50%. I used a Gyroid pattern. It works fine.
- Use a brim because it's large. (I used mouse ears in Creality Print.)
- Use tree support, and you don't need any blockers. The slicer will handle everything else.