Heltec fixed the “long message” and “Bluetooth disconnect” problem with a new hardware Revision, make sure that you order the updated version to avoid problems!
I got special permission from Gendemik to share my remix! I
AGAIN the BASE DESIGN IS NOT MY OWN CREATION! I just got permission from Gendemik specifically for my REMIX that allows me to share it!!
Dont miss out to check their other creations and leave them a like for allowing me to share my remix with the world!: Gendemik | Printables.com
You can find the original design this remix is based of here: GDMK Heltec v2/v3 Chunk 18650 (modular case project) Meshtastic inspired by Gendemik | Download free STL model | Printables.com
I2C problem is solved as pretty much any pin can be setup as SCL and SDA it has to be configured in wire.h.
If you wanan run a buzzer or vibra motor with the T114 you need to use a transistor or mosfet. The gpios only put out 15ma which is way to low for a rumble motor or 3.3 volt buzzer. dont forget to pull them down with a 10K Resistor to ground so no static can creep your transitor / mosfet open.
UPDATE: 02.09.2024
3d files should be good and are ready to be printed, Prototype works great and parts fit.
There could be still a small margin of error but I am no professional so print at your own risk, I just got my T114 last friday so there was not a lot of time.
A problem occurred housing the new GPS receiver antenna with its way bigger connector I had to redesign the Base and back shell again. The main base will house the BME860 sensor now and the back only the gps.
I also had to lenghten the GPS connection cable as the original is like 2-3 cm to short to make it fit in the case. I am trying to source a fitting cable from ali express. Worst case would be that you simply lenghten it yourself ( what I did as well) its 8 cables so its manageable.
Still an issue with no obvious I2C Gpios on the Heltec T114 board. Its needed for the BME680 sensor. Lets hope Heltec did not leave it out, but it seems like it can be configured to pretty much any pin by software of what I heard.(fingers crossed) if this really is not working out I will update the design to NOT :( house a Telemetry sensor.
UPDATE 31.08.2024
Main Base part adapted and working as intended as well. Added to the files.
UPDATE 30.08.2024
Test fitted front faceplate and buttons they do fit and work as intended, the rest of the files coming as soon I made some necessary changes and test fitted them as well.
Part list:
SMA Ipex cable: SMA Female 5CM
Vibra motor: 0820
USBC 15 watt quick charging PCB: ( for desk charger + quick charging)
2 Telemetry sensor options, you only need one!!:
Telemetry sensor BME280 ( Temperatur, humidity, air pressure) !!!3.3Volt variant!!!
Telemetry sensor BME680 (Temperatur, humidity, air pressure, Air quality:
Much better antenna then the stock one the heltec comes with, select correct frequency for your region: (optional)
Mosfet to power buzzer and vibra motor as NR52 output power is to low: SI2312
Buzzer: (8.5x8.5.3mm 3volt)
Metal belt clip including mouning rivets (2,5x5.5cm):
Notification LED (RGB led): Diffused anode or cathode
Screws (M3 8mm):
Magnetic Pogo Pin connector ( 5 pin straight):
Wiring cable 0.3mm:
Acrylic glas (display protection) optional: 18x28mm
Navigation switch for canned messages K2-02 hollowed shell:
Main power Switch:
Case screws: M3 20 pieces 8mm length
2x 18650 batteries: I would recommend Panasonic NCR18650GA 3500mAh
Source them locally. Make sure both batteries have the exact same voltage before permanently connecting them in parallel!!
Battery management System (BMS): 3A
The author remixed this model.
Adapted the Gendamik Chunky MAXIMUS that originally houses a Heltec lora v3 board to fit a Heltec T114 board + original GPS that comes with the T114 ( if you went for that option which you totally should)
Most of the used parts remain the same but some parts changed like the Rumble motor that is now glued to the middle part instead of the front facing cover.
Also the metal belt clip now is flush with the bottom making it so much easier to mount it on belts , straps or alike. The GPS is still in the same spot while the BME860 changed place as well , adding bigger vent holes for more accurate readings.