parts required 2 x M3 socket screws (15 to 35mm long)
2 x M3 washers
OnGlass Mk3 is a compact articulated lens hood, designed to block out reflections when taking pictures through glass. It also allow the camera lens to be tilted up to 50º.
Mk3 has been redesigned to be more compact and can be even folded down to fit into your pocket for transport and storage. It is significant smaller that the commercial reflection blockers on the market.
OnGlass Mk3 has been designed for OM lenses at the below settings (will also work with longer lenses or smaller aperture). Step down ring will be needed for OM 40-150mmF4 lens.
Printing Note
brim and support recommended.
print parts separately, so there is less chance of them getting stuck.
The author remixed this model.
Redesigned to be more compact