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Customizable Box, Insert and Lid Creator (now with Text)

"The Swiss Army Knife of Boxes/Inserts" ;-) You can use this to create Boxes and or Inserts e.g.
updated November 8, 2019



"The Swiss Army Knife of Boxes/Inserts" ;-)
You can use this to create Boxes and or Inserts e.g. for board games or anything else.
see the provided STLs for examples what can be created using this customizable thing.

I created multiple "box-style" things on thingiverse.

  • https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3263783 Customizable Magnetic Screw Tray/Box (with optional lid)
  • https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3232147 Customizable Card Deck Box
  • https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3317439 Customizable Cable/Wire dispenser
    They are all based on this customizable box maker.
    Having this huge amount of options is not for everyone. So my other related "boxes" are are actually hiding most parameters from the user to be more intuitive for their specific purpose.

    This box maker i'm sharing here though has all parameters available. It offers a huge amount of options.

    If you like it, please share your makes. I love seeing what it is being used for.

    If you like this, check out my other customizable things: https://www.thingiverse.com/rainers/collections/rainers-customizable-things

    Change History:
    Version 6.0 2019-01-08

  • changed the bottom thickness for the Stackable lid to be defined by BottomT parameter instead of LidT to avoid very thick lids where not needed.

  • implemented automatically adjustment of text position for a stackable box.
  • fixed a bug where the text horizontal offset for line1 did not get applied
  • fixed a bug where the FingerCutoutCount parameter was not working
  • fixed a bug where the MiddleCutoutVerticalOffset was not working
    Version 5.9 2019-01-07

  • fixed some bugs related to slideoverlid generation&magnet position
    2019-01-06 Version 5.8

  • Increased the number of compartments for which you can increase the x or y size from 10x10 to 15x15
    2019-01-06 Version 5.7

  • Re-implemeted all text handling

    • a 2nd line of text is now possible
      • improved positioning and orientation of text
      • regrouped all text parameters
  • fixed SlideoverLid when used with higher outer Radius

  • new parameter EncloseBottomMagnet. If selected, the bottom magnets will be fully enclosed in the body. This will require you to stop the print just at the right time and insert the magnets before continuing.
  • small fix for LidMagnetPosition where incompatible lid magnet holes had been created for the actual lid
  • Adjusted LidMagnet Positions &WallT correction for rounded stackable boxes
  • Added support to make the box Stackable.

    • New Parameter "StackableBottom". when checked, the bottom will be made stackable (LidHeight parameter is used to define the height of this section)
      • New LidType "Stackable" will create a matching cutout on the top of the box. This is the only possible LidType for a box with a stackable bottom
      • a stackable box or one with a stackable lidtype will only be rounded on the outside edges. bottom & top will not be rounded.
  • Re-implemented & improved most of the Lid and LidMagnet Code

  • improved automatic parameter checking & correction. The code will try to automatically adjust various parameters to the required minimal parameter values ( e.g. WallT,LidType,Height,....)
    2019-01-02 Version 5.3

  • Added support to make the box Stackable.

    • New Parameter "StackableBottom". when checked, the bottom will be made stackable (LidHeight parameter is used to define the height of this section)
      • New LidType "Stackable" will create a matching cutout on the top of the box. This is the only possible LidType for a box with a stackable bottom
      • a stackable box or one with a stackable lidtype will only be rounded on the outside edges. bottom & top will not be rounded.
  • Re-implemented & improved most of the Lid and LidMagnet Code

  • improved automatic parameter checking & correction. The code will try to automatically adjust various parameters to the required minimal parameter values ( e.g. WallT,LidType,Height,....)
    2018-12-27 Version 5.1

  • changed MiddleCutoutParameter to allow more values

  • new parameter MiddleCutoutOffset
    2018-12-25 Version 5
  • you can now increase compartment sizes. for each compartment you can choose to double x,y or both sides. By increasing compartments that are located next to each other you have quite some freedom to create compartments as big as you want. this currently only works for compartment type "box"
    2018-12-20 Version 4.8
  • Added more options for the text.

    • vertical & horizontal allignment & Offset
      • rotation
      • text on top and inside lid

    2018-12-19 Version 4.7

  • Text is there! You can now add text to any / all of the 4 box sides. choose from any of the google fonts, choose font style/size
    2018-12-18 Version 4.6

  • added 2 new compartment types (horizontal cylinder x & y axis)
    2018-12-18 Version 4.5

  • New parameter LidType can be used to choose between the following Options:

    • "None":No Lid
      • "SlideOver": SlideOver-lid that slides over outside walls of the box
        This lid Slides over the outside of the upper side of the box.
      • "Notched": Notched-lid that slides over a "notch" w.o. incr. width/length
        An additional Nodge/edge will be subtracted from the upper side of the box. The lid will fit over that edge. This does not add to the widh/length of the box
        The Lid Magnets can be optionally added to both lid types. (remember that you might have to increase WallT parameter to make enough space for the magnets if they overlap with the inner space of the compartments)
  • New Options for Parameter LidCutout can be used to decide where the round cutouts on the lid will be created.

    • No
      • On X-Axis
      • On Y-Axis
      • On Both Sides
  • Parameter plausibility checking improved. I'm trying to check the most important parameters and automatically adjust thes to avoid not working parameter combinations. this currently applies to: InnerRadius,OuterRadius and WallThickness. It might be still possible to create a non-working parameter combination, but most pitfalls should already be avoided automatically.

  • lots of code enhancements
    2018-12-16 Version 4.4

  • Added all previously hidden parameters

  • New Parameter RecessInnerPart can be used to create a recess from the top of the box. this can be used to have the separator walls not reach the top of the wall
  • 1-4 Bottom Magnets can now be added to each compartment.
    2018-12-14 Version 4.3
  • improved the shape of the support cylinder for the lid magnets to better blend into the compartment shape
  • changed render color
  • fixed a bug for parameter plausibility checks
    2018-12-13 Version 4.2

  • it is now possible to add round (positive) cylinders to each compartments using some new BottomCutout values. (these can be used e.g. to create sewing spool holders) (Feature Request from user Mfuse)

  • It is now possible to have just one top cutout which is independant of the number of compartments you use. This allow to create nicer "drawer" style boxes. New TopCutout value::
    -- Only one on Row Side
    -- Only one on Col Side
    -- Only one on All Sides
  • improved rendering when SeparatorT=0
    2018-12-12 Version 4.1
    Magnetic Lids are now possible!

  • There are 3 new parameters in the Section "Magnetic Lid"

  • LidMagnet - if set to "Yes", 4 holes to hold the magnets will be placed in both the lid and the box/tray.
  • LidMagnetDia - defines the diameter of the small magnet used to hold the lid to the box
  • LidMagnetDepth - defines the height of the magnet (=depth of the hole)
    You have to adjust the other parameters for the box/tray in a way to make enough place for the magnet holes. this can be done by adjusting WallT which sets the thickness of the outer walls or by creating round enough compartments so that the magnets can be placed in the outer edges of the box.
    If there is not enough space, the cylinder supporting the magnet hole will interfere with the inner area of the compartments.

    2018-12-09 Version 4.0

  • New Parameter "LidCutout" can be used to create round cutouts on the side walls of the lid. when set to "Yes", this makes it a lot easier to remove the lid from the box.
    2018-12-2 Version 3.9

  • It is now possible to create lids with a hole pattern
    2018-12-1 Version 3.8

  • It is now posible to set the thickness of the bottom wall using the BottomT parameter. This allows to adjust the box height without increasing the height of the compartments
    2018-12-1 Version 3.7

  • New Compartment Type are there. you can now choose these additional types: Triangle,Rotated Rectangle,Pentagon (5 sides), Hexagon (6) sides, Heptagon(7 sides), Octagon(8 Sides), Nonagon (9 sides),Decagon (10 sides)

  • Speed improvements in customizer
  • Removed RoundedEdges & RoundedInnerEdges parameters. (Just use radius = to disable rounding)
  • Parameter FIngerCutoutCount can be used to choose how many cutouts will be created. Possible Values: All,Only once per Row/Col, Only on outside walls
    2018-11-30 Version 3.6

  • You can now use the Parameters WallT and SeparatorT to set separate thicknesses for the separator walls & the outer walls of the box

  • Lid Thickness can now be adjusted viathe LidT Parameter
  • Some improvements on the Lid to get a better fit for higher outside rounding.
    2018-11-29 Version 3.5

  • It is possible to set the Wall Thickness to 0. This allow to e.g. create pure separator inserts for an existing box

  • It is now possible to choose OuterRadius > Wall Thickness to create really rounded boxes
  • improved lid design to match rounding of box
    2018-11-28 Version 3.3

  • massive speed improvements.

  • default # of circle segments increase from 25 to 75 to boost quality of roundings.
  • You can now choose the compartment type. It can be "Box" or "Cylinder"
  • the cylinder will be stretched to the inner dimensions. So you can create round or oval compartments. Inner Rounding can be applied to the cylinder compartments as well and is a lot quicker then for boxes, so you can increase the CircleSegments parameters when using this compartment type.
  • new Parameter FingerCutoutsOnlyOnOutsideWalls. This can be used to remove unwanted finger cutouts in the inner area of the box
  • rounding now will be applied to lid as well if chosen
    2018-11-27 Version 3.2

  • grouped all parameters

  • New experimental parameter:Circle Segments
    "Danger Ahead! Here you can try to increase the number of segments used to create a circle. Higher values will increase the resolutions especially when using higher Radius values, But there is a high risk of the thingiverse customizer creating "Script Timeout" errors on the customizer page"
  • you can now create rounded compartments. Warning: rendering takes a long time. this can lead to "script timeouts" in the customizer. if you experience this, try reducing the radius. if that does not work, you can only download the .scad file and use it locally in openscad.
    2018-11-27 Version 2

  • you can now (optionally) create a simple lid. The tolerance to add to the inner size of the lid is configurable.

    The Box & Insert Creator

    The basics

Let’s start with a simple 3x2 divided Box.

Height: 40
Size Y: 50
Size X: 40
Num C: 3
Num R: 2
WallThickness: 2
Set all other Parameters to “None” or “No”

The box should now look like this.

Print instructions

Category: Containers Simple 3x2 Box

Basic Settings

2 Compartments are in each "Column"
3 Compartments are in each "Row"

With the size & height parameters you can change the inner dimensions of each compartment
The WallThickness will be applied to all outer and inner walls.

You can change the number of compartments by changing Num C or Num R parameters
The Rounded Edges is by default set to “No”. This leads to faster rendering of the box in the customizer app. Setting it to Yes will only have an effect on the “outer” Box. If you want the outer Edges to be rounded, it is recommended to do this as the last step before creating your thing.

Top Cutout Parameter

With the top Cutout Parameter you can add a cutout to the top edges.
you have the following Options here:

  • No
  • RoundPerRow
  • RoundPerColumn
  • RoundAllSides
  • FingerSlotsAllSides
  • FingerSlotsPerRow
  • FingerSlotsPerCol
    The top Cutouts can be either round or "Finger Cutout Slots"
    RoundPerRow will add this cutout:

    RoundPerColumn would do the same kind of cutouts on the other walls.
    RoundAllSides is a combination of the other 2 "Round" options.
    You can change the radius of the cutout by changing the "Hole Size Divider" Parameter
    Bigger Divider Numbers result in smaller holes.

    The FingerCutout adds a cutout that can be useful e.g. for a board game insert if you want to store several piles of square cards. These Cutouts allow the cards then to be easily removed.

    The FingerCutouts can be applied to the row, column or to both sides.
    FingerSlotsAllSides will add these cutouts:

    Middle Cutout Parameter

    This parameter can be used to cutouts to the middle side of the walls.
    These options exist:

  • No

  • Centered
  • Both Sides
    Centered creates a centered hole. The diameter of the hole can be influenced again with the "Hole Size Divider" Parameter

    This is an example for Centered with the "Hole Size Divider" set to 4:

    Here is an example of Middle Cutout set to "Both Sides" and a divider set to "4"

    This will only affect the outside walls.

Bottom Side Cutout Parameter

The Bottom Side Cutout Parameter has these values:

  • No
  • Row
  • Column
  • Hole on bottom
    Row & Column are very similar to the Top Cutout parameter.
    Hole on Button will add a round hole to the underside of each Compartment. This can be handy to e.g. push out a pile of cards stored in the compartment.
    Here is an example of BottomSideCutout Set to "Hole" (Showing the bottom side of the box)

    What to Do when the Customizer throws "Script Timeouts"

    Especially when you make use of the "inner rounded edges" feature, the processing time to render the object increases dramatically.
    If you run into this problem. try to reduce the number of circle segments ( 15?)
    As a last option, you can download the .scad file and use the "customizer" in openscad.
    This will require the latest unstable build of openscad for your operating systems.

  • install latest nightly build of openscad

  • in the options under "Features" enable the "customizer" feature
  • under View, enable the customizer
  • you might have to reload the scad file in order to see the parameters.
  • have fun and remember to leave a like and to share your makes!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
