Lubricant LM8UU adaptor for Super Synco Lube DE21030 with screw cap

Lubricant LM8UU adaptor for 85g Super Synco Lube DE21030 tube with cap.
updated January 19, 2024




Tool for lubricating LM8UU bearings with a 85g tube Super Synco Lube DE21030 synthetic grease and a screw cap.

Are you looking for the same tool with screw cap for the original prusa grease tube? Look here:

If you need the same tool for 10mm bearings in normal and long length, you can find it here:


Update from 2024-01-19:

Added a second version on demand.

Version 1 is stil the old one with small bore holes.

Version 2 has short slots. This means that less pressure has to be exerted on the tube when lubricating the bearing.



This is a remix based on the LM8UU adaptor from David Honza.


the base and the screw cap for the superlube tube from ri3del.

I tried to link the model from ri3del with the official remix link, but it doesn't work. For this reason both references are listed on this position.

I combined the needle with the base and modified slightly the inner thread of the injector for a better fit on the tube. 


Handling Instruction from David Honza:

Remove all thin strings before first use!

Screw the printed tool on the Prusa Lubricant tube, carefully put the bearing on and turn it counterclockwise until you feel a slight resistance. Then press the tube and watch the tip of the tool for grease leak. Once the grease starts leaking, the bearing is lubricated sufficiently. 


Used print settings:

Material: PLA.

Resolution: 0,1mm

Infill: 25%

Perimeters: 2

Brim: no, maybe required when bed adhesion is not the best

Support: no 



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

see object descripton
