VW Bus Marker Holder

Marker or pencil holder for your office desk in old VW bus style.
updated May 6, 2024



ENGLISH description:


A 3D Printed VW Bus Marker holder is a small but useful accessory for fans of the iconic Volkswagen Bus. This marker holder is designed to resemble the front end of a vintage VW Bus and is made using 3D printing technology. It is perfect for holding markers, pens, pencils, or other small office supplies. Able to be made in a variety of colors, this makes it a stylish addition to any desk or workspace. With its unique design and practical use, the 3D Printed VW Bus Marker holder is a fun and functional accessory that is sure to delight fans of the classic VW Bus.


Printing instructions: 

■ Steel sheet 
➔ at your own preference (textured PEI for PETG material)

■ Nozzle
➔ 0.4

■ Material 
➔ PLA for better glueing together.

■ Infill        
➔ 15-20%

■ Circuits      
➔ 0

■ Supports      
➔ NO


SK/CZ popis:


Držiak na ceruzky a perá v dizajne starého VW autobusu je malým, ale užitočným doplnkom pre fanúšikov ikonického Volkswagen Autobusu. Tento držiak je navrhnutý tak, aby pripomínal veterána VW Bus. Je ideálny na držanie fixiek, pier, ceruziek alebo iných malých kancelárskych potrieb. Dá sa vyrobiť v rôznych farebných kombináciách, vďaka čomu je štýlovým doplnkom každého stola alebo pracovného priestoru. Vďaka svojmu jedinečnému dizajnu a praktickému použitiu je tento držiak ceruziek a pier funkčným doplnkom, ktorý určite poteší fanúšikov klasického Volkswagen Autobusu.


➔I will be very grateful for every download and comment feedback you post. Have a nice day!

Reuploaded by peto.r_ in 2023


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Lower body and license plate is slightly different. Also lights and frame has been edited.
