Starting printing the space mouse now just to put it together

For some reason my joystick controller is not fitting into the spot in the V2. When I line up the little pegs the holes are off. When I line up the holes the pegs do not fit into the other 2 holes in the corner. I followed the link provided and bought those exact joysticks so I know I have the correct joysticks and yet it still isn’t fitting correctly. Anyone know why this is?
I also am having an extremely difficult time finding screws short enough to be used to screw the joy sticks to the sides of the container. I know this isn’t really a fault of the creator, but can someone help me find screws small enough? I have been to every hardware store around me and nobody carries screws that small.
Thanks a million for your work on this man. Like you I saw the 3d mouse and thought it is way too expensive.
I have printed your version and applied the code and it worked a treat. This thing is amazing!
A couple of notes:
1- slow down on the arduino code section. This is probably the most complicated part of the build and it was a little rushed in places. I have done arduino before but still struggled a little here.
2- the instructions given only work on an older version of the arduino environment. I downloaded the latest version and couldn't find the folders you refer to. uninstalling and installing the older version worked great. (version 1.8.19 worked)
3- I had to switch transZ and transY also rotY and RotZ. No idea why.
All in all this project was an amazing build. Thankyou again for contributing to the community with this as you do with so many things. I can't tell you how many times I have used the calibration section of your site to tune an ender 3 variant.
So feeling confused, completely new to Arduino. I have made the spacemouse V2, I have installed Arduino IDE2.3.4 I have started following the instructions but I cannot find any of the folders.. AVR does not exist. only folders i have are locales and resources.
@SDR_2848802 Hey! You need to download older version of Arduino IDE 1.8.19 from the website, its on the very bottom. I also had similiar problem and found this out.
Fantastic project.
I build V2 and all works fine with Onshape.
Remeber to add "leonardo.upload.tool=avrdude" to boards.txt file
I would like to add some buttons but I don't know how it, can sameone help me?
Thank you.
3DConnexion software does not change sensitivity in applications. how to fix this?
(I can change the sensitivity via sketch, but for some applications the sensitivity becomes insufficient). please, help.
This looks way smaller than the V1.... but can this be made even smaller ? Like can the PSP 2 axis joysticks be used instead of the PS2 breakout ones ? like the ones found here:
Ein absolut geniales Projekt. Man muss aber hier und da noch etwas nachbessern. In der Datei "boards.txt" muss man noch die Zeile hinzufügen.
Die Datei und der Rest den man aus dem Arduino Ordner kopiert muss in den Pfad ablegen:
Ich hoffe das ich damit anderen die Suche etwas ersparen kann.
Viel Spaß beim nachbauen.
An absolutely brilliant project. But you still need to make a few improvements here and there. You still need to add the line to the "boards.txt" file.
The file and the rest that you copy from the Arduino folder must be placed in the path:
I hope that I can save others some of the searching.
Have fun building it.
@Jack_Fire_731675 OK danke für die Antwort, aber warum willst du die Sticks Hall-sensoren Austauschen?
Hi, die machen die ganze Sache etwas smoother und präziser. Es gibt auch dazu schon Projekte wo welche das gemacht haben. Kannst du dir ja auch mal anschauen. Spacemouse Hall-Sens oder so ;-)