@AdrienVercae_1305868 Option 1- refresh the certificate Option 2- remove the certificate: The certificate validation feature is on by default for enhanced security, but yes, it does require occasional manual updates for now. If you wish to not have this trouble in the future, you can disable it in config.h, uncomment #define USE_HTTPS_NO_CERT_VERIF.esp32-weather-epd/platformio/include/config.hLines 149 to 151 in 0dc305e // #define USE_HTTP // #define USE_HTTPS_NO_CERT_VERIF #define USE_HTTPS_WITH_CERT_VERIF // REQUIRES MANUAL UPDATE WHEN CERT EXPIRES (edited)
There is a certificate issue since a few days:
update and recompile: https://github.com/lmarzen/esp32-weather-epd/issues/165
@AdrienVercae_1305868 Option 1- refresh the certificate
Option 2- remove the certificate:
The certificate validation feature is on by default for enhanced security, but yes, it does require occasional manual updates for now. If you wish to not have this trouble in the future, you can disable it in config.h, uncomment #define USE_HTTPS_NO_CERT_VERIF.esp32-weather-epd/platformio/include/config.hLines 149 to 151 in 0dc305e // #define USE_HTTP // #define USE_HTTPS_NO_CERT_VERIF #define USE_HTTPS_WITH_CERT_VERIF // REQUIRES MANUAL UPDATE WHEN CERT EXPIRES (edited)