Adjustable/lockable ball-joint phone holder for Prusa Connect camera

Adjustable ball-joint phone holder for 3030 extrusion or any flat surface, for use as a camera with Prusa Connect
updated October 5, 2024


Honest feedback. Concept is good, and has flexibility built in. I was able to print all the parts without any supports. I did the lock nuts at 0.15 layer height with wall order inner+outer. This did not cause any problems and they printed clean.

The bad part is that ball to arm screw is a very weak point. Even with a slight knock I broke 3. So maybe a combination of printing them out of layer plane and beefing up walls will help.

I personally found it to be very wobbly. Since it is mounted to frame, it was shaking during printing and sure enough after a few minutes it loosened everything and phone fell off. Here I think some sort of support leg in the middle to offload the weight of phone will help.

I will still give it 5 star because it has high potential.

@golekipro thank you for your feedback.

What material did you print with? I printed mine with PETG and haven't had any issues with the ball breaking. But I imagine that's the weakest point. Have you tried using a bit of super glue in the threads? Another possibility would be to skip the threads all together if is breaks in the actual thread and just use glue instead. Can you supply a picture of where it broke exactly?

If you want to try that I can do the modification for you?

About the wobbling there is a lot of weight far out. If I accidentally knock it it will wobble but it will not start to wobble while printing as you describe. I'm wondering it this is not a material issue as well. I don't have a good solution to this, if you haven't used PETG for your print please try that as it has much better mechanical properties than PLA. If you have an idea for a modification that will help with the problem please tell me and I will try to fix it. Or do a remix. (A support leg will mot certainly work but I think it takes away from the practicality of the design.)

@christofferra_319142 I printed in PETG as you recommended. I have attached a picture of the point where it consistently broke. I will try to print them out of layer plane to solve this issue.

Regarding the leg, it does not have to something rigidly attached, it can be something that gets snaps on/off. I had some idea to create a remix for that and will report back.

Regarding shaking, my usecase is timelapses during print. And the vibrations do make the resulting images slightly blurry. The inertia in the frame due to tool head moves is enough to mess that up in the shot. I think the snap on leg will solve that problem.

Thank you for being responsive, this is a great mount. I already plan to use it for lights and other things attached to printers.

@golekipro looking at the picture I think more infill would be good. Som super glue on the chamfer is also a good idea I think. My thinking was that the chamfer should take som strain of the threads.

I will try to update the model with a coarser thread. I think there should be room for a larger thread size. It will take a couple of days though until I'm able to do it.

@golekipro I've updated the model with a coarser thread now. I hope this will help make it stronger for you! But I still thing you should use more infill and/or more perimeters as it looked a bit "empty inside". Please report back if it helped!

@christofferra_319142 Thanks for that. I will print it again this week and report back. One more feedback I though of is to make phone holder jaws less smooth. I got the feeling with my S23 and Iphone that they had the tendency to slip. It is a minor thing but I think overall improves the model.

@golekipro Sorry I forgot to mention that I always mount the phone vertically, not horizontally as you have shown in your pictures.

@golekipro I think you will have to solve that problem by glueing on some rubber. maybe rubber bands around the claws will help?
Plastic will always be a bit slippery even with some added roughness.

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