Anycubic Kobra 2 dual fan duct (Double Trouble)

Dual 5020 fan duct for Anycubic Kobra 2 printers
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updated December 2, 2024


All that R & D but couldn't make it any easier for end user to have them print first try. Most of the pieces need support And manual tree supports ..I tried on 3 bambu labs.$5.00 bucks for 3 days of headaches. Mind blown!!!!

@RiteshPatel_2148867 Only one (optional) part requires support. Every part is orientated properly to the build plate. Maybe you can post a picture of your failed print so I can try and help.

@DrewDeeDoo attempt # 7.. learning lesson never give up. Doing an 8th and 9th try Bottom line here MEASURE TWICE CUT ONCE!!! No clarification on what type of support.. This is where being specific makes sense in descriptions …blind leading the blind Never works out ! Add a plate to make it easier..

Tabs broke on this one.. Illl do attempt 10 tonight.. maybe I’ll get there in 6 months

@RiteshPatel_2148867 I'm confused because you said most parts require supports but only this one part that is not required needs support. If you are having trouble printing the non necessary part I recommend not using it. It is a complex part.

@DrewDeeDoo floating cantilever (SUPPORT NEEDED), after several tries I got it to print. Other issues, the pins are not correct size length , The pins need to be scaled to 106 percent so that they are securing the fans and cover all the way through. the cover for the fan should have had a smaller hole to grab the pins opposite side of the recessed hole where the pin head goes in (since they ae moving parts YOU forgot to R&D that). Ill have to take it into solidworks and fix it making the hole smaller on both fan covers so that the revised pins grab the fans and cover on both sides. Meaning reprinting the cover and pins. Hope this clarifies things for you.

@RiteshPatel_2148867 The duct has built in snappable supports designed into the model. Download "TWIN DUCT.stl" You must have download the "shorty" model which was a custom request one person asked for that I made. That is why it was at the bottom of the list. I have deleted it to prevent mistakes in the future.

As far as the pins are concerned, every material, and even color, brands have different shrinkages. Machines are calibrated differently and slicer settings can be changed. I cannot account for everyone's unique setup. (edited)

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