Anycubic Kobra 2 dual fan duct (Double Trouble)

Dual 5020 fan duct for Anycubic Kobra 2 printers
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updated December 2, 2024



Hey! Interesting design! Since the 5020 fans are out of stock (could find another ones like the ones you used... just these ones: do you think this 5015 may work ( even if the blower holes are smaller? (edited)

Love this design, looks pretty cool
Pins are too short when using fan covers. Printed in PLA+ , support only for optional cover. 100% scale (edited)

leider wird Paypal nicht akzeptiert, und ich habe keine Kreditkarte mehr...
Gibt es diesen Anycubic Kobra 2 Doppellüfterkanal (Double Trouble) auch auf einer anderen Plattform, die Paypal unterstützt?

Where do I find the bracket (the solution for Kobra 2 Neo).... I read in the comments, that there is a printable for the bracket, but I can't find it :(

Hey so I'm waiting on the fans before I try this, is there a video available for the soldering step? Somewhere in the comments someone tried black to black red to red etc but I noticed the stock fans are opposite "polarity?" than the replacement cable are

Possible to have a taller one i recently switch my hot end and this one sits lower

@JustinBouche_1988122 Do you need the bottom of the duct lower or higher? I got a bit confused. Thank you

I would like to print this and help my printer but i have a lot of questions

How to wire two fans together correctly
Should i print it with PETG ?
How long screws do i need ?
How many screws do i need ?
24V or 12V fan ?

A lot of basic questions which are not answered anywhere in descriptions.
I promise i will buy your model, but i am getting no info.

All that R & D but couldn't make it any easier for end user to have them print first try. Most of the pieces need support And manual tree supports ..I tried on 3 bambu labs.$5.00 bucks for 3 days of headaches. Mind blown!!!!

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@DrewDeeDoo floating cantilever (SUPPORT NEEDED), after several tries I got it to print. Other issues, the pins are not correct size length , The pins need to be scaled to 106 percent so that they are securing the fans and cover all the way through. the cover for the fan should have had a smaller hole to grab the pins opposite side of the recessed hole where the pin head goes in (since they ae moving parts YOU forgot to R&D that). Ill have to take it into solidworks and fix it making the hole smaller on both fan covers so that the revised pins grab the fans and cover on both sides. Meaning reprinting the cover and pins. Hope this clarifies things for you.

@RiteshPatel_2148867 The duct has built in snappable supports designed into the model. Download "TWIN DUCT.stl" You must have download the "shorty" model which was a custom request one person asked for that I made. That is why it was at the bottom of the list. I have deleted it to prevent mistakes in the future.

As far as the pins are concerned, every material, and even color, brands have different shrinkages. Machines are calibrated differently and slicer settings can be changed. I cannot account for everyone's unique setup. (edited)

Are supports needed? I am having trouble printing this on my Kobra 2 Plus.

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@DrewDeeDoo thanks. Its so much quieter than before! Thank you so much for making this. Sleeping while its printing just got so much easier

If you don’t print the optional cover, the overall weight is the same as the original.
It is much quieter. It’s a great upgrade!

how are you meant to solder the fans I tried to red to red to red and same with black and it did not work I did this process twice

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@Grouchi thanks for the help I found this out by connecting the wires to power maybe putting this in the instructions would be a big help to beginners

@that1guy_2065844 lol I feel you there. I thought I broke something at first