Better Seams: An Orca Slicer Guide to Using Scarf Seams

A guide on how to use the scarf-seam feature in Orca Slicer. Includes extensive tips and tricks and optimization data.
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updated April 23, 2024


So i tried the scarf seam. I am not sure I prefere it or not. It certainly is not as visible from a greater distance but there seems to be some over- and underextrusion. I did think it could be pressure advance, but to be honest I did some pa calibrations tests and refined it a bit but not much. Any suggestions how to work aroung these inconsistencies? (edited)

@finn_582290 Looks like you're using random seam alignment. In my experience, scarfing works much better when the seams are all aligned.
I have been getting a lot of underextrusion with scarfing, myself. (edited)

@Anoran_2232154 hey, thanks for your reply. It actually turned out that I overdrive my hotend when changing to a 0.8 mm nozzle. Now everything works quiet well.

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