Better Seams: An Orca Slicer Guide to Using Scarf Seams

A guide on how to use the scarf-seam feature in Orca Slicer. Includes extensive tips and tricks and optimization data.
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updated April 23, 2024



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PSA: If you are using Orca Slicer V2.2 and above, there's a bug which causes slope/spiral z-hop to not work on models with scarf seams turned on. This will result in ugly blobs/marks on the outer perimeter.

The only way to fix this is to switch z-hop type to normal(not recommended, I tried and stringing was crazy even printing out of a dryer), turn off scarf seams, or roll back to Orca 2.1.x. I can confirm scarf seams are working as intended on V 2.1.1, not sure about 2.1.2.

I was losing my mind and wasted tons of filament because of this issue for months before I realised it was an obscure bug and not something to do with my printer/settings. Posting this here so it reaches more scarf seam users, hope this helps you guys avoid that.

Example of what the "blobs" looked like v

After a lot of trial and error, I got some improved overhang performance on the scarfs. I actually struggled to get a good picture of it. The key thing I found is that on overhangs the scarfs curl badly, so I slowed down the print on the scarfs until things stopped improving and set to alternate wall directions, then just tuned in everything else.

Printed on a .8mm nozzle, .2mm layer height direct drive exturder and remote cooling. I am not sure how useful this info would be to someone, but...

Outer Wall: 1.2mm
Inner Wall: 1.0mm
Seam Position: Aligned
Staggered inner seams: true
Seam gap: 6%
Scarf Join Seam: Contour and Hole
Conditional scaft joint: true
Conditional Angle Threashold: 115 deg
Conditional Overhang threshold: 40%
Scarf joint speed: 30mm/s
Scarf start height: 10%
Scarf length: 20mm
Scaft steps: 20
Scarf joint for inner walls: true
Wall generator: Arachne
Walls printing order: Inner/Outer/Inner
Detect overhang walls: true
Extra parimeters on overhangs: true
Reverse on even: true
Reverse threshold: 0

here is some data to use. the first is regular seams set to random, @ 7% seam gap. using .2 layer height .62 extrusion with a .6 nozzle @100mm/s. On the right in the comparison i upped the layer height to .46 same speed & extrusion width & Scarf settings on. uses 20:20 for length & steps(going to revert to 10 for steps) Lowered my seam gap to 3.5%. I forgot to change from random to aligned like recommended. however the settings i used certainly seemed beneficial to improving the outer walls. the inner walls it didn't preform as well. probably due to staggered inner seams is on. i used Esun pla+ for this test which is recommended at 22mm3/s i slightly surpassed that too @ 23.97!

Yes, i left it on in both tests. one thing i have noted is that if i switch from a ,4 nozzle to a ,6 i need to double the seam gap % (3.5 % for .6 nozzle 7% for .4) I will work more on some different tests & sharing the data with you.
one thing i noted too is on a different model i had to add a brim & raft in one corner for the 1st layer, due to what i believe was the start point on the scarf joint. ill have to read over the readme again & see if that was mentioned & how to adjust for it. (could be just user error on my behave.

Hi, I am trying to search all the web resources i can find, as this started happening recently, i think, i am on orca 2.2.0. I do not recall this issue to be here before, i think scarf joint took care of this initially when it was introduced.
I tried to play with all i can, z-hop is 0. on the circle walls it makes those distinctive blobs now, anyone has an idea of what can be the source of this?
I printed it at .28 layer to make it most evident, but the issue exists on any layer height.
Thx. (edited)

@PaulAtkin_2725505 that looks to be more of either a retraction setting or moisture.

@PaulAtkin_2725505 Its a bug with Orcaslicer 2.2, slope/spiral zhop don't work when scarf seam is enabled. There's a issue open on github, i'd add a comment there as well so they know its not just an isolated issue

@xantrk_247660 Still have this issue myself with v2.2.0 unfortunately. Hope Orca fixes it. Scarf seams were great when they still worked.

I didn't actually print any of the models you provided, but following your suggested settings (mainly slow down outer walls to 100mm/s and increasing outer wall width to 0.6mm) changed my scarf seams from a jagged mess, to the point where I actually have to look very closely to even find the seam now!

@AdamL awesome write up! Helped me understand the settings a bit better.

Looking over the spreadsheet, which settings for scarf seam are those using? Outside of the Variables you’ve listed there. (edited)

results of my tests. it is much better than with standard seam settings. Thanks

jayo pla + and neptune 4 pro

So i tried the scarf seam. I am not sure I prefere it or not. It certainly is not as visible from a greater distance but there seems to be some over- and underextrusion. I did think it could be pressure advance, but to be honest I did some pa calibrations tests and refined it a bit but not much. Any suggestions how to work aroung these inconsistencies? (edited)

@finn_582290 Looks like you're using random seam alignment. In my experience, scarfing works much better when the seams are all aligned.
I have been getting a lot of underextrusion with scarfing, myself. (edited)

@Anoran_2232154 hey, thanks for your reply. It actually turned out that I overdrive my hotend when changing to a 0.8 mm nozzle. Now everything works quiet well.

From right to left, only by using 100% the settings from the m3f File! 🥰

running a strangers *.3mf is just like barebaking on Nebraska avenue