Classy Stand Planter - Mid-Century Modern Style Planter - with Drainage Holes - Drip Tray

A simple three-part planter that slides together seamlessly.
12 k
updated May 12, 2024



Update: Stand v2 release

  • I've updated the Stand to have a maximum 45 degree overhand so as to improve print quality.
  • The updated file is named “Stand - v2”

Stand Planter - Mid-Century Modern Style Planter - with Drainage Holes - Drip Tray


A new take on a classic mid-century modern planter, this time featuring a three-part system that slides together seamlessly. The planter has drainage holes, allowing water to drain from the planter into the drainage pot below. The drainage pot also features small openings that allow the excess water to evaporate. 

This model should be fairly straightforward to print and use, although I highly recommend you read my printing notes below. 


  • The updated “Stand -v2” file has a maximum overhang of 45 degrees, so printing should be easier. The high infill and wall count are to keep the stand from flexing and/or loosening too much over time. Here are my recommended settings:
    • Adaptive layer height
    • 30% infill
    • 6 walls
  • The drainage pot is intended to be printed upside down. You will need supports for the center of the dome where the overhand gets steep. Here are my recommended settings:
    • 0.6mm line width
    • Adaptive layer height
    • 2 walls
    • 15% infill
    • Slow down on the overhang. I have my speed set to go as low as 5% for steep overhangs. 
  • The planter is easy to print. No special settings here, but this is what I used:
    • 0.4mm line width
    • 0.2mm layer height
    • 15% infill
    • 2 walls


  • Overall Height: 8.875in
  • Overall Width: 5.67in
  • Planter Height: 4.875in
  • Planter Width (inner): 4.875in

Other Information:

  • The planters in the photos were printed using Bambu Matte Black, Matte White, and Matte Dark Green filament.
  • This model is not for commercial use. If you are interested in selling your 3D prints of my models, please refer to my Printables Club!
  • If you like this design, consider leaving a tip! I'm a university student, so anything helps!



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
