Filament Dry Box, simpler

Fairly cheap, but VERY simple dry box for filaments
updated March 24, 2024



This model is very simple to print and put together.  I started with the idea of Werner's cheap and simple dry box, but since he lives in Germany, I had to source a similar box here in the US.  I also didn't care for the axle hanging design, so I started work on a base with rollers to put in the bottom.  I got fairly far with my own design when I ran into a snag with the rollers and then did a search hoping to find something similar I could reuse.  I finally found the model I remixed above. 

I also remixed a silica box and clip to fit on the top of my boxes, but enlarged it to fit down between the spool edges to hold more silica.

I then used the neat and simple ptfe holder, nuts, and plug found here:

I also used the Bambu spool desiccant holder found here: to ensure these boxes stay very dry for as long as possible even in Texas humidity.

Besides the parts to print here, these are the parts I had to purchase to complete my build of six dry boxes (so far):

Cereal boxes -

Ball bearings -

Hygrometers -

Silica -


2/19/24 -

I discovered that the size of the box creates a perfect fulcrum for the spool, so there is no need for the first roller and 2 ball bearings, so I have uploaded a new version of the base that deletes that front roller to save on filament as well as halving the ball bearing requirement.  Not a big deal if you are just doing a box or two, but when you get north of 12 boxes, those ball bearing add up.  Ask me how I know.

I used hot glue to attach the silica box to the top, but a lot of different glues would work here.


3/23/24 -

The bottom PTFE holder wasn't holding onto the bowden tube just right, so I remodeled it, as well as the plug.  This works MUCH better.

I also added a pre-set set of build plates for 3 dry boxes.  Print these twice for a set of 6 boxes.



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Customized the base to fit my hygrometer style and with a different silica compartment.
