Thing 754898 sized up to 23cm and sculpted in Meshmixer to create gentler slopes underneath the horizontal top braid.
updated July 29, 2021



Scaled to 215 mm height because of MK4 height limit. Printed with Prusament PLA Galaxy Black, 0.4 mm nozzle, 0.65 mm extrusion width, variable layer height (0.07 mm - 0.30 mm), no supports. The last part (top part of the handle) was really difficult though. I lowered the speed and temperature during this part.

@raymond77_1957173 Absolutely stunning make! What was the print time? Thanks for sharing!

Nice model, but unnecessarily thick (both sides and bottom) and the handle is way too fragile (mine broke off almost instantly.)

Update: my handle was weak because of settings I used (edited)

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@chylld Thanks again for your input and sharing your colored model!

Love the design. Printed at 75%. with 0.2 layers. As anticipated, the overhang on the handles was an issue because they deflect down during fill and then spring up afterword so the nozzle catches on it to start the next layer.. I had to manually intervein by gently holding each side down to start each layer. I included a picture of where that became an issue.

@Jamz58 You are dedicated! However I remember having an experience like yours with one of my baskets haha. Going forward, I may have tried to paint the seams well away from the overhang and used Z hop during those layers to avoid clipping. Looks great and thanks for sharing!

J'avais besoin d'un panier pour aller chercher mes oeufs au poulailler, après 36h d'impression et 30cm de hauteur je suis super contente du résultat. Quelques défaut au niveau des surplomb et un petit soucis de rétraction les prochains seront mieux. Merci pour le fichier.

@Thams_1665139 Wow, 36 heures!! Cela valait vraiment la peine d'attendre, ça a l'air fantastique!

Two tone filament pairs extremely well with this model. Worked out great for Easter

@nwilk123 Your print is gorgeous 😍 Thank you for sharing!!

The top part is giving me a hard time to print

@Verender The overhangs will be sloppier when printing this at a smaller scale, no doubt. Variable layer heights might help! They look great!

@NickGlennon i printed them in about 35% so an egg fits in there perfect as gift for easter. I did use variable layer height and a 0.6 Nozzle . I dont know what the actual issue was but i did make like 10 of them and only got 4 nice one xD but i realy love the Design tho

Printed small to fit the doll - 75 mm in the Y dimension, others to match. The only white I had was PETG, and it came out a little stringy, but that's on me, not the design. I blocked off supports for the outside, but kept support for the handle, which was a bit difficult to get out - the irregular surface of the handle gripped it a little harder than I would like, and I had to be careful not to break the handle in the process.

@MarkHall PETG is tricky for overhangs. The basket looks great! Thanks for sharing!

I scaled the basket way down in size to use with the Robinson Crusoe board game.

@NickGlennon It is! I simply scaled your .STL down to just 2 cm tall and played a little bit with the length / width ratio. The modified file printed just fine using a 0.2 mm nozzle and some internal support for the high point of the handle.

Very nice for Easter. As this is a very large print, I didn't want to leave the printer unattended. I split the model into smaller "sheets" so I could have smaller prints, and also use both my printers simultaneously.

@Bjrk_246014 Looks amazing in that color! Thanks for sharing!!

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