Searched for a useable Metallica sign for quite a while. This one was almost perfect.
I made the base to hold the electronics and wiring.
Uses ESP32 Mini with WLED Soundreactive installed to control the LED's (WS2812B Strip), INMP441 Micro for sound reacting.
Print the “Lense” (Diffuser) files in white with no infill (5 Top / 5 Bottom layers for example)
Glue the Frontlense to the inside of the base onto the “4 M Stars”
Glue the BackLense onto the BackCover
Because the letters are so small, it wasnt possible to just thread the LED Strip through. So I cliped the strip fittingly for each letter, then connected them by soldering wires between each of them.
I glued all the letters together first, then did the LED work.
Here is a video of the sign working
The author remixed this model.
Added a base for the electronics and wiring. Made a hole in the M and the end A to facilitate in the wiring and connections to the electronics.