Raspberry Pi 3B+ CAM Rover with arm

I made a remake of the rover. But this one can move every wheel seperately and has a raspicam. Still in progress
117h 36m
20× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
957.00 g
updated January 14, 2024



This is a remix of the Rover. I made the model so it can fit a raspberry pi 3b+, a raspicam model 3, a servo HAT and a dc Motordriver. This Model Provides all files needed. There are two python files, which need to be loaded to the raspberry pi.


To controll the rover you need a SSH terminal. If you use Tigerjyton there is one integrated. But you can also use Putty.

  • w to set every servo to straight mode
  • a/d to set servos for left/right turn
  • q/e to move all servos in one direction
  • L to activate the light
  • i/j , o/k for the arm
  • arrows for motors
  • +/- for motor speed


All parts are printed with PLA, except the tire which is printed with Flex and the rim which is printed with PET. 

I sadly lost the STL file for the top back that i cutomized but i still got the G-code. I'am sorry for that.

Raspberry pi 

For the raspberry to function you need to install some librarys on the raspberry pi.

  • Picam2
  • curses 
  • RPi.GPIO
  • smbus

I don't remember every comand for the terminal but I'am sure you will find them very fast in the internet.

You need the IP-Adress of the raspberry so i recomed to connect the raspberry to a hotspot of your PC, this alows you to see the IP Adress in the settings of your PC.

Run the both commands via a Terminal or a SSH connection. As soon as the rpi_cam.py runs you can find the server with any device that has a web-browser and it needs to be in the same network. 

I did everything with Tigerjython but I guess any program works, but i recomend it. If you use Tigerjython make sure to set the user of the raspberry pi to pi and the password to raspberry this will allow the application to connect to your raspberry pi.

Both codes are here. But somehow they are in the folder for the model files!



  • PLA (1kg red and black)
  • PET
  • TPU
  • raspberry pi 3b+
  • raspicam model 3
  • PCA9685
  • l298n
  • 6x Motors 
  • 6x sg90 Servos
  • a 3s Lipo battery
  • and some screws and wires
  • LEDs (optional) + 220 Ohm resistor
  • battery indicator (optional)
  • 2x 40mm fans (optional)
  • 1x old ikea flashlight (optional)
  • Ethylacetat (optional)(Don't use it if you're not familiar with it, it is very unhealthy to breath in and to touch!!!!!! But it makes the parts smoother.)
  • A lot of wires


Building Tipps

First of all Start with the body of the rover and then do the arms. 

More force is almost everytime the solution. I'am not that good with CAD drawing but It works and if not I used a drill or a hammer. Be carefull with Powertools they can break the parts easly.

Raspberry pi pinout

First the Servo-HAT is on the pi. (I2C needs to be enabeled)

  • enA = GPIO 12
  • in1 = GPIO 23
  • in2 = GPIO 24
  • enB = GPIO 13
  • in3 = GPIO 17
  • in4 = GPIO 27
  • Flashlight = GPIO 26
  • LED = 21



If you have anything to tell me please do that, I'd love to improve this project.



Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I added a mount for the raspberry pi cam model 3. I also made some fittings for servos in the arms, so it can controle all wheels seperatley. It is able to stream life to a website so you can spy anything.


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