Please keep all these small parts away from children and pets, some parts have pointy ends, and they could be a choking hazard too. Make or use these at your own risk.
I needed some BBQ tools and a “Grill Pack” for Dummy 13, and though I'd make it into a kit card for gift giving. The STEP file is included for easy remixing.
This was designed with DMC's Grill Kit Card in mind.
If you like this design and want to check out some of my other Dummy 13 stuff, here is a list of my Dummy 13 Weapons and Adventure Packs:
Weapons Pack V1.0 - Shotgun, Handguns, Holsters and Katanas (superseded by the v2.1 pack)
Weapons Pack V2.1 - MP5SD, MP5K's, Pump Action Shotgun, Handguns, Holsters and Katanas
Sci-Fi Weapons Pack V3.2 - Halo/Sci-Fi Inspired Rifle, Handgun, Shotgun and Machetes
Sci-Fi Weapons Pack V4.0 - Star Wars/Sci-Fi Inspired Rifles and Pistols
Alpine Adventure Pack v1.0 - Skis, Ice Axe and Backpack for Winter Adventure Sports
Astronaut Tools Kit v1.1 - Space drill, pick, geologic collection scooper, camera and other Astronaut stuff
BBQ Tools Kit - You read that right, even Dummy 13 likes to grill up some burgers now and then
Roadside Assistance Kit - Traffic cones, a bottle jack and other tools
Dummy 13 Version 1.0 © 2024 by Gabriel Rosiak is licensed under CC BY 4.0 |
Note - if you see these for sale on Amazon , Etsy or anywhere else, they are not being sold with my permission. There are no "authorized" sellers of these models. They were made for the 3D printing community, not for Amazon or Etsy sellers to profit from.
Photo Credits:
The Halo helmet design is credit to Renward@Thingiverse, who shared the following remix:
Halo Infinite Master Cheif Helmet(Filled)
That is a remix of Kolinc@Thingivsers who shared this model:
Halo Infinite Master Chief Helmet
The other parts are from a Halo remix for Dummy 13 (currently a work in progress), which you can follow the status on at my blog here.
If you find these models useful, please post a like or a comment with some pics of your prints.
You can find the other things I'm working on at my blog here. You can also follow me here on Printables, to see what new stuff I post. If you would like to support my work, you can Buy Me A Coffee using this link:
Thanks for looking, and have a Happy Holiday!
The author remixed this model.
Forged the weapons of war into tools for making delicious BBQ.