IMPORTANT: as I don't have an original Kobra, this was not yet tested. If you print it and it works, please post a make and a comment so I know if It works, if I need to improve something or take the model down.
UPDATE: based on feedback, I added a v2 of the part. It can be printed upside down and requires less supports. Also, the left side if moved 2mm more outwards and the hooks are a bit thinner for easier clip in and out.
This is a clip-on cover for the cable connector that goes to the bed of the Kobra, Kobra Neo and the Kobra Go. The cover is meant to act as a bed aligner. It is also easy to put on and remove as it "clicks" into place and stays there quite tightly.
In the 3mf file for Prusa Slicer I also manually added the supports including settings for their (relatively) easy removal. I tried to keep the actual fence of the cover as low as possible while still allowing for easy alignment.
The author remixed this model.
As the original Kobra, Kobra Go and Kobra Neo don't have an ABL sensor, this version of the bed alignment clip includes “hooks” on both sides for a better stability.