Gridfinity Bin Labels Flat-Head cap screw hex socket ISO 10642 former DIN 7991 M2.5, M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10, M12, M14, M16, M18, M20

M5 countersunk screw. The length on the label is to scale. These are the labels for flat-head cap screws with a hex sock
updated March 11, 2024



The length on the label is to scale, otherwise it is cut in the middle. The shaft diameter and head are not to scale as this look awkward on the small labels.

I sticked with the text style of the original labels by the user @Pred_457770.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Additional M5 labels for countersunk head screw with hexagon socket DIN 7991. (Senkkopfschraube)

Edit 19.01.2024: Added other diameters.

Cap screws also available.

If you are interested in how to create models in huge batches: I wrote a small guide in the description of the original file.
