Perfect; fresh off the printer. Now to get the finnicky, finnicky magnets into place with the right polarity...

Perfect; fresh off the printer. Now to get the finnicky, finnicky magnets into place with the right polarity...
The gap in between the 2 parts makes it not fit on smaller printers :(.
@HeatherT_1560474 Yeesh, that is... not a terrific slicer. Here's how I got it to split the object:
@Quinnypig You are my hero! I did not know you could cut a file like that! Thank you so much internet stranger for helping me learn something today and save my frustration! The fact that you posted a step by step video to show me how was the so kind! I did it and it is not printing!
Fantastic, was dreading having to design this myself to go along with
The back section doesn't fit brilliantly, but easily well enough to hold securely.