The circuit board mount is completely different on the MMU3 the top mount is incompatible with it!!
Attempted to modify it and it completely broke!

The circuit board mount is completely different on the MMU3 the top mount is incompatible with it!!
Attempted to modify it and it completely broke!
@Upchucked2900_450340 I am very sorry to hear about your failed attempt, this model is only desigend for MMU2 and MMU2S. However I am willing to do a rework for the MMU3 when I am able to get my hands on one. Can you tell me what you modified?
Maybe a completely screwed side mount can be useful for the future
How are you all getting the Side Mount and Top Mount to print so clean? No matter how I place it on the bed, they both will need supports and just makes the result look terrible and rough.
@merlin87_150317 yes, unfortunately both mounts require a little amount of support. I recommend enabling support on build plate and also disable support bridges. If you wish I can also upload a sliced version for your printer. (edited)
Fantastic. Cut out for transport handle could be smaller, works though
@Peter_1153445 Thanks for the feedback I will add a second option for the handle with a smaller cutout. I also planned on Integrating some kind of seal to the cutout to make the enclosure more airtight
@Jonas_1083489 Thanks a lot
Wow, fantastic Design. It will make my life so much easier
@JonasStumpf_1083484 Glad you’re happy
Looks great and should make my life a lot easier. I haven't fitted the pipes yet, but we'll see how it works
@Kehet thanks for your feedback. I used the tube that comes with the Enclosure it works perfectly for me.
How long is that bowden tube you are using between MMU and extruder? I don't think the old MMU's tube is long enough
Great Design, hope it works!
Absolutely brilliant idea! It was such a headache working on anything inside the box related to the MMU. I wish I had this from the beginning. Thanks for the excellent files and professional instructions.
Looks great! What kind of spool holder do you have there and is there any buffering mechanism working?
Thank you
Thanks a lot. The spool holder is called Repkord Repbox. The numbers on top are printed parts I designed to locate the different spots in the MMU2S.
Since I mostly do prints with just a few filament changes I didn’t have the need for a buffering mechanism yet. I just turn the spool by hand after a print if I see that they are to loosely spooled. However maybe I will soon install one can you recommend something?
@Jomstu Looks very interesting!
I've got this one:
But I'm not sure, if this works also with the enclosure, but without it, it works flawlessly.