Spacer for Nintendo Switch Pro Controller dpad mod

Small spacer to assist with modifying the Switch Pro Controller dpad
updated April 29, 2023



Please keep in mind that this is provided as-is without any warranty, and any controller modifications you perform are made at your own risk. While this worked on my personal controller, I can't make any guarantees given my sample size of one controller.

I made a post on reddit about modifying the dpad on my switch pro controller, and I noticed that it made my dpad buttons a bit harder to press. It's not a huge change, but it was noticeable enough that I wanted to fix it. I created these spacers to offset the board and buttons by the .22mm thickness of the 5 layers of tape.

In order to print this properly, you need to have a flat print bed (not textured) and a good first layer calibration. If you have a set of calipers, you can check to see how close to .22mm you are. I would reccomned being slightly under rather than over if possible. I changed my first layer thickness to .22 in Print Settings → Layers and Perimeters in PrusaSlicer. Your slicer may suggest that the model is in inches, but that is not the case.

You will need 8 of the larger Pro Controller Spacers. Three of them go over the three screw posts around the dpad with the tabs down to assist with keeping them in place. A fourth one goes on the screw post close to the abxy buttons. Please reference the picture for their locations. Another four of them go into the back of the abxy buttons again with the tabs facing into the buttons to keep them in place. The four small spacers go into the home, screenshot, plus, and minus buttons.

To summarize what I put in the reddit post, I reccommend adding 5 layers of Scotch Transparent Tape to the center of the dpad instead of covering the contacts, which comes out to be about .22mm in thickness. This more closely matches the dpad design of an SNES controller in terms of spacing. This tape should be smaller than 6.2mm in any direction in order to avoid any interferance with the rubber membrane. For my controller, I rounded the corners to fit on the middle bump of the PCB.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
