Back panel mounted filtration system for Voron VT/V1 & V2 printers
updated June 24, 2023



fume pack


  •  24.06.2023: DXF changes, the mounting holes have been changed to 4mm. And files for Voron 2.4, this meant changing all the DXF file names to "VT" & "V2" respectively.
  • 20.06.2023: DXF Files. I've exported & upload DXF files to cut the rear panels, these will “only” include the fan holes and the bolt pattern for the 5-bolt version. The wiring holes and/or extra bolt holes for 13-bolt version must be drilled by hand. This includes all standard Trident sizes pluss a “custom” 350x350mm variant (350mm with 350mm Z-axis). V2.4 DXF files will be added shortly! 
  • 04.12.2022: Version 1.2.1 "Main bodies" : I had to add little feature on the outside of the main bodies to compensate for the lost wall thickness introduced due to the detachable backplate in v1.2.
  • 03.12.2022: Version 1.2 "Main bodies": to have some more flexibility in regards of different cartridges I've made the "plate" on the main body bellow the exhaust vent a separate piece. Future releases might call for the plate to be swaped out infavor of a new design, but that's way better than having to reprint the whole main housing. All v1.2 Main bodies and cover plate go together with v1.1 cartride just to be clear. It's got built in supports for the overhanging parts in the main body so it shouldn't be any problem printing this, if you run into some issues, please let me know ASAP!
  • 02.12.2022: Moved the wire routing holes that exit right bellow the rear gantry extrusion (VT) down a little bit, this efects all "main bodies" & the drill template.
  • 01.12.2022: Initial release, refere to description..


Since the "fume pack" is directly dervied from "Pepe pack v2.2" I will only mention the changes done from that point and forward:

  • Ground-up rework of the carbon container/cartridge/basket (what ever you eant to call it) to closer resemble the Nevermore Micro V5 Duo. In other words should "fume pack" do the job exactly like a stock V5 Duo, if not better since the basket has a somewhat larger surface area of carbon for the air to pass thru.
  • With the new cartridge the carbon abmount is roughly cut in two compared to "pepe pack" and now pretty much the same as aevermore Micro V5 Duo.
  • Redesign of the fan lid, with deeper holes in the main body to accept 8mm bolts.
  • If you choose to use the fan gaskets or not is totally up to you, i don't think they have THAT much of an effect but hey. Just for gods sake print them in a soft TPU, nothing "solid".
  • Same goes for bolting down the fans, the fan lid is designed to firmly hold the fans in place. But how well that works depends on your fans!

I want to point out that the fans need to be cut up to work as intended(for those who didn't know).

Regarding cutting the fans i will try to either make a little guide, or at least a cuting guide so you can mark of where to cut them correctly.

The fan holes in the rear panel should be 38mm, some wiggle room is allowed (within reason).

And finally, choose the main body who suits your needs the best, both "5-bolt" and "13-bolt" version have three variants with PTFE holes either on all three sides, both sides OR rear only (like stock Voron)

And as allways, if you have any ideas for new features or improvement give me a ding!




  • 11x M3x8mm BHCS (or SHCS) - To mount the main body to the back panel (re-use the stock exhaust grill screws).
  • 4x M3x8mm BHCS - To mount the fans to the main body (optional).
  • 13x M3x5x4mm Heat sets - To mount the main body to the back panel.
  • 4x M3x5x4mm Heat sets - To mount the fans to the main body (optional).
  • 8x 6x3mm Magnets (N35 works, but N52 is the best way to go) - to hold the basket on to the main body.


  • 3x M3x8mm BHCS (or SHCS) - To mount the main body to the back panel (re-use the stock exhaust grill screws).
  • 4x M3x8mm BHCS - To mount the fans to the main body (optional).
  • 5x M3x5x4mm Heat sets - To mount the main body to the back panel.
  • 4x M3x5x4mm Heat sets - To mount the fans to the main body (optional).
  • 8x 6x3mm Magnets (N35 works, but N52 is the best way to go) - to hold the basket on to the main body.


  • Default voron settings, correct orientation, no additional supports needed (other than the build in ones)!

To-do List

  • Make a better readme / instructions.
  • Different cartridges with HEPA filters, echaust feature etc. time will show.
  • MAYBE a simple filament runnout sensor attachment.

- - -

In case I forget to upload any eventual updates i make to the design to Printables, the latest released version should always be avalible on my gitub!


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
