Great model :) Printed it a year ago and really enjoyed painting it as well. Thanks!
Featured it in my video back then as well :)

Great model :) Printed it a year ago and really enjoyed painting it as well. Thanks!
Featured it in my video back then as well :)
I printed without a bottom layer and put a flickering tea light in the bottom. Once you snap the top on it's impossible to get the tea light out. Cool print!
Printed at 56%, Black, bright green. Made my own stand, red copper with green 12v LED in cauldron and yellow flicker underneath.
Easy print looks great made for a decoration in game room love this file rigged a light socket with a trip to ace hardware lamp isle (edited)
Printed at 50% just to see how it turned out. Printing with recommended settings I had layer disconnects above the rings on the sides. only really visible when there's a light inside and you're looking from the right angle. Looks really cool though
I loved the look of this model so much, I used the bubbles (way scaled down) and added them to another cauldron/adafruit project. Epic work!
Un mix de plusieurs impressions dont une de Bugman_140. Super sympa à imprimer et à travailler. Merci et bon appétit ;)!
Can you please show the light part or give more details/link what kind is used? thank you
@lucky7707_28519 I had the same question. I searched for tBulb and found this on Amazon: