Quick Calibration Print

Multipurpose calibration print that is still fairly small and quick
updated May 12, 2023



This model is designed to test several different aspects of your printer's calibration.  If there are problems, then you need to take measures to adjust the slicer settings or printer calibrations as needed.

So, what are you measuring?

The thickness of the card at the edge is 3mm.

The card is 75mm wide.

50mm in the y direction.

and 50mm diagonal measure using the alignment arrows.

If the X, Y, or card thickness are off by more than just a few 100ths mm you should probably look into recalibrating your printer.  There is a good test print and instructions for how to make adjustments to a Marlin based printer available.

Each step in the recessed stairway is 0.2mm.

Thin lines ranging from 0.25mm up to 3.0mm

Overhang tests that range from 50-65 degrees.

Overhang problems are frequently caused by cooling problems.

Round holes that pass all of the way through the card are 10mm and 5mm respectively. The raised circle is 10mm in diameter. The diameter of the outer circle is 15mm.

If these are off you can find adjustments in your slicer to handle hole size problems.

Other features include:

Clearance test (small teeth whose gaps decrease)

Sometimes problems with small gaps can be related to under or over extrusion.

Retraction tests (two short spikes sticking up beside the bridging test)

Stringing between the spikes can be addressed by adjusting the retraction settings in your slicer.

Bridging tests

Failures in the bridging test are often attributed to insufficient cooling.

Break out your calipers and start measuring to figure out where your printer needs work.


Print using 0.2mm layer height.
No supports.

0.4mm nozzle works best.


2023-05-12: Add new updated model that includes a stringing test.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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