My own design of an LCD cover for the Hyte Y60, since I wanted something that completely covered the back as well as holding both PCBs inside.
There are models for the VSDISPLAY 12.6" NV126B5M-N41, as well as the Hyte DIY LCD Kit.
You will need two M3.5 x 5mm or 6-32 x 1/4" screws for the button panel, and four M2.5 x 5mm or 3-48 x 1/4 screws for the main PCB.
Cables do have to be fed through the cutout and connected them before putting the LCD in place, and there is a pic that shows how the LCD's ribbon cable would be folded.
The inserts will be extremely tight if you try to put them in when it is flat, I recommend tilting the halves back (toward the flat side) a little bit to put them in easily. Make sure to print two!
I haven't tested if the button inserts work, but there should hopefully be enough clearance for them.
1/24/2023: Added a single piece back to the file list
1/26/2023: Added some new models that should work for the Y60 LCD DIY Kit, model names start with Hyte_LCD_Kit, the split version uses the same center bracket and center inserts.
1/31/2023: Added some more variants for the power and HDMI cables to come out the top instead of the bottom, for the split versions the tops halves are the same and still use the same center bracket and center inserts. These versions start with TOP-CABLES.
6/21/2023: Updated some of HYTE LCD Kit models to distance the button PCB further from the holes.
6/26/2023: Added extra model with 2mm longer buttons for Hyte LCD Kit
7/25/23: Reverted HYTE LCD Kit designs back to shorter standoffs and added a 2mm spacer model for if the button PCB requires the extra length
For big printers, the fewest pieces would be:
For VSDisplay panel with bottom routed cables
For VSDisplay panel with top routed cables
For the LCD Kit directly from Hyte with bottom routed cables
Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons or Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons_+2mm
For the LCD Kit directly from Hyte with top routed cables
Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons or Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons_+2mm
These models for smaller printers:
For VSDisplay panel with bottom routed cables
TWO of Hyte_Y60_LCDCover_CenterInsert
For VSDisplay panel with top routed cables
TWO of Hyte_Y60_LCDCover_CenterInsert
For the LCD Kit directly from Hyte with bottom routed cables
Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons or Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons_+2mm
TWO of Hyte_Y60_LCDCover_CenterInsert
For the LCD Kit directly from Hyte with top routed cables
Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons or Hyte_LCD_Kit_Y60_LCDCover_Buttons_+2mm
TWO of Hyte_Y60_LCDCover_CenterInsert
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.