The C1541x is a reused Commodore 1541 plus some other components held together with some 3D printed parts.
Like the Commodore 1541 disk drive is a companion device to the Commodore 64 computer for accessing media, The C1541x is a companion device for the MyRetroComputer Commodore 64x which is a mini-ITX Computer case.
This was born out of a need for more USB ports and media card readers and since I couldn't find anything that aesthetically matched my Commodore 64x, I decided to make one out of the shell of a Commodore 1541 case. These CAD files are the parts required to hold the internal components for a media dashboard plus space for an internal 2.5" SSD.
More information can be found here:
Category: DIY
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.