Electronics enclosure for the RatRig V-Minion. Supports the BTT SKR Pico and Raspberry Pi Zero 2W (stacked).
updated December 6, 2022



This electronics box for the RatRig V-Minion allows the mounting of the controllers (BTT SKR Pico + Raspberry Pi Zero 2W) on the printer itself as opposed to the tethered box that comes with a stock V-Minion. 

This remix offers a few enhancements over the original model from Nero 3D. They are:

  • Support for Squirrelbrain's Y Axis Drag Chain 
  • Support for M3 screws to mount the fan
  • Relocated and improved access to the case screw next to the Z Axis motor
  • Improved support for 4" Self Locking Wire Ties (Zip Ties) to secure the power cables
  • Changed SKR Pico text on top to a RatRig logo 
  • Added large chamfers to top edges


  • The top mounts to the base using M3 x 4mm x 5mm heat set inserts.
  • The base is secured to the underside of the frame using M6 bolts and 3030 t-nuts provided with the printer.
  • Print the top with a heat resistant filament (ABS/PC/etc) since it will be in very close proximity to the bed heater. 
  • STLs are prepositioned for optimal printing, no supports required

Happy Printing!


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The author remixed this model.


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