I just tried to put the spool into my AMS and it's too big. I measured the diameter and it's 205mm instead of the 201mm of the original 3.2 spool.
Can you confirm if this spool is supposed to be 201mm?
I just tried to put the spool into my AMS and it's too big. I measured the diameter and it's 205mm instead of the 201mm of the original 3.2 spool.
Can you confirm if this spool is supposed to be 201mm?
@Irgendeintyp You were spot on about downloading the files again!
I usually download all files from printables, which gave me a zip file. And this zip file contained outdated files. I downloaded the file two days ago and it contains teil_a.3mf and teil_b.3mf.
I downloaded the file again last night and it now contains teil_a.3mf and teil_b_v3.2.3mf - these are the correct files! :)
I have spent some time in the slicer adding top/bottom layers for the filament holder sections. I will share my make later.
BTW, it seems that the modifier to hold the filament type stickers got lost!
Thanks again for the model and for your help in troubleshooting this issue!
@mhaas I redid the modifiers and reuploaded all the files, so there should hopefully be no problems anymore...
Thanks a lot! Orca Slicer did not import the modifier settings, only the spool and the modifier. I manually adjusted top and bottom layers.
Printed in PETG.
does it works with sunlu filaments? instead of using sunlu masterspool?
@srp_robotics_981938 As far as I know, no. Sunlu uses a smaller centre diameter.
Hi, could you provide the STL files for download?
@ZePila_970064 you can just use the 3mf files. Both cura and prusaslicer actually use 3mf as the default.
@Irgendeintyp Thanks!