Filament Storage Box with color belt, LG

It is 210x210x96mm, to accommodate slightly large spools up to 205mm in diameter and 90mm in width.
updated October 3, 2022



Filament storage box.

Finished another filament storage box with a color band and tag label in front with the type of filament.   And there is enough room behind the tab to slip a piece of paper with the date last used and about how much is left on the spool.  

It is 210x210x96mm, to accommodate slightly large spools up to 205mm in diameter and 90mm in width.  

Designed it with 2mm thick walls, and in Cura I set it to have 4 walls, so it will print with no infill,  all walls/perimeters.  

Not airtight, so I toss in a few desiccant packs, and only store PLA in them.  

They are not for transport, just for putting filament in and setting it on the shelf.  There are no clips/hinges holding it together, just gravity and alignment tabs.

Included STEP files, so very easy to modify for your needs.

Still a beginner at CAD and 3D printing, I am sure the design and print setting can be optimized, currently using about 110meters or 320gmsfor all the parts.

The GST3D PLA+ filament I have been using is a fantastic filament, prints great, with dialing in the settings, no stringing.   And it is inexpensive, about $10 a spool if you buy 10 qty.  It is compatible with popular name brands in the $20 to $20 per spool range.

Have gone through 3 full spools and tried 7 others, all similar in quality (very good).  

The filament used GST3D PLA+:

You can get spools of filament for around $10 when you get the 10 pack, and it is good filament comparable to popular brands. And yes I get a few nickels if you use the above link.

Printer used an Anycubic Vyper.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
