Filament Storage Drybox Small

Filament storage box small. Need a small form factor for some small spools of filament, a spool diameter of 200mm.
updated September 26, 2022



Filament storage box small.


Need a small form factor for some small spools of filament, a spool diameter of 200mm.


The top fits on top of the bottom. It holds but is not too tight to open.  I printed in PLA, so not completely airtight, but a desiccant pack should keep the filament dry.  


Has a slot in the front to hold a filament sample and such.


Printer setting, .04mm nozzle, .2mm layer height, 210c temp, bed 60c, 50 speed, brim (prevent warping)


The filament used GST3D PLA+:

You can get spools of filament for around $10 when you get the 10 pack, and it is good filament comparable to popular brands. And yes I get a few nickels if you use the above link.


Printer used an Anycubic Vyper.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
