This works for any printer where you the UBL mesh editor in Octoprint works. By way of background I have one of the Ender 3S1 machines where the ABL result is always incorrect to the true result of the bed. The only way I get a great first layer is via a manual edit of the automatically created mesh. I edit and then don't need to update for months.
If you are creating a manual mesh or you don't get consistent probe measurements for your bed then you can typically create a manual mesh which solves the problem. But this can be tedious to create and then edit the points. If you are using a firmware like MRISCOC you can edit point by point via the printers display but a far more efficient method is available for any Octoprint users.
Print settings:
Guide to perfect first layers with Mriscoc firmware: Supports UBL
The author remixed this model.