Print Settings:
- 0.2mm layer height
- 3 walls/perimeters
- 100% infill (thin model so not really relevant)
- No supports needed - reorientation if slicer shows supports
- PLA, PETG, CF/Nylon, CF/PLA, PETG or CF/PETG etc..
- Sun visor clip - the clip that slides onto your car sun visor and the remote control mount
- The remote control mount that is glued or stuck to your remote of choice (sun visor clip also slides into this)
- Print files
- Sun visor clip print on its edge
- Remote control mount print flat side on build plate
- Glue or use double sided tape to attach part 2 (the remote control mount) onto your remote of choice (I used glue)
- Slide clip into mount
- Slide clip onto sun visor
Alternatively you just print item 1 and use double sided tape or glue directly to the remote. I prefer the clip as then its easy to replace the mounting clip if it breaks, deforms or you need a custom mounting clip for different vehicles.
Notes: You can scale the size of the mount slightly (smaller or larger) if clip isn't a snug fit. If its to tight a fit just sand the edges of the clip lightly until the clip slides into mount. If the fit is to loose then shim the clip with some tape before inserting.
- You can scale the length of the mount (part 2) without major problems but if you scale the width you also need to scale the width of the clip and play around to get it to fit correctly.
- If using PLA for the clip overtime it has the tendency to lose its tightness, the clip will get weaker overtime. You can just reprint the clip in a different material or use a lighter on the clip to reshape it so its tighter if you want to stick with PLA.
The author remixed this model.