I have combined the best features (in my opinion) of three previous remixes of the Bambu Lab spool.
I started with the refactored “Bambu X1 Re-Usable Spool” as a base, then added the best features of the “Improved Bambu Lab Reusable Spool Holder” (everything except the heavier hex pattern), both of which were remixed from “Bambu Lab Reusable Spool Holder Hex Remix”.
I added an additional label space on the other spool half. I like to have both sides labeled, (trust me it saves time). I also tilted the 6 pairs of holes all around the rim at 45deg to make it easier to secure the loose filament end (and not crimp it so you end up trimming it off later).
The shim STL is the one from BambuLab's original. Print two.
Update 3-15-2025: Corrected the missing spokes for the label on the Tall Snowflake half. Uploaded version V4 for this spool.
Update 12-31-23: Corrected the size of the central spindle hole on all versions to match the Bambu Lab original STLs. Current versions are V3 and V7. The slightly increased diameter allows my spools to proplerly fit on the excellent V-Spooler from Fryby Additive.
Update 11-19-22: Added a remaining filament measurement marks. These .2kg marks match the positions that Bambu Lab has on their spools. Even so, these are estimates at best.
Added to the following STLs:
Bambu Lab Reusable Spool Remix Four-Short-V6.stl
Bambu Lab Reusable Spool Remix Four-Tall-V6.stl
Bambu Lab Reusable Spool Hex Snowflake Tall - label v2.st
Do not use ‘adaptive layer height’ as that will flatten these marks and numbers out.
UPDATE 10-24-22: Corrected Tall Snowflake side to have proper pattern alignment with short side (cosmetic correction). Provided two versions of the Tall Snowflake half. One with label space, one without.
UPDATE 9-30-22: Added lightweight ‘Snowflake’ version of the Spool!
UPDATE 9-30-22: Corrected missing alignment tab on tall half of the spool. Cleaned up other minor imperfections on both halves. Set the spool diameter to 200mm to match that of the Bambu Lab versions. Added the bambulab_spool_spacing_shim.stl (print two). Current is V5.
UPDATE 9-27-22: Based upon feedback I have decreased the diameter of the center spindles to match those of other Bambu Lab reusable spools.
UPDATE 9-14-22: I have repaired the short side to be a more manageable size (was 9MB).
The author remixed this model.
Design is a lightweight honeycomb snowflake pattern. I added a remaining filament measures, filament label space, as well as filament retaining holes, among other improvements.