I had to install a new lock on my house gate and i selected a Locinox LAKQ. This is designed to install on a 40x40 mm square tube.
There are a series holes to be drilled with a precise spacing and various diameters. The most difficult part is that for each holes there is a counter bore to drill in perfect alignment. The hole and counter bore are not necesarily of the same diameter. I created a series of jigs to facilitate this operation. There is one jig made to drill the initial centering holes with the proper placement and then 3 individual jigs to perfectly align the counter bore. Please follow the utilisation procedure for more information.
There are:
Here is the installation drawing found from the manufacturer website.
You can also review my related model Locinox LAKQ & LAKZ Accessories.
I recommand printing at .2 mm layer height with 4 périmètres. We need the perimeter to be strong to use as a jig. I recommend printing in PTFE.
⚠ Drill at a reasonable speed and concider using cutting oil to avoid high temperature when using the plastic printed jigs.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.