Check out the upgraded version its Bigger and Better!
I changed the clip design to ensure they don't break. Widened the clips, reducing one tooth, lengthen the reduced tooth to clip on easier. I added a mesh modifier to match my side baskets just like in the side basket remix. I'm including the .stl and .3mf files.
I have fixed the clip on the frame so it does not interfere with the Extruder anymore. Its low profile now and clips easier. I used the upgraded version in my newest version of this toolbox V2.
In exteme printing cases which would be really rare printing an object high and to the side may contact the extruder. Please keep that in mind for certian prints you may need to temoprarly remove this.
I printed in filamentum PLA with .15 layer height and 100% rectilinear infill (for strength so the clips don't break). Modifier has 25% gyroid with layer and perimeters of 1 bottom, 0 perimeter, 1 top.
I have fixed the clip on the frame so it does not interfere with the Extruder anymore. Its low profile now and clips easier. I used the upgraded version in my newest version of this toolbox V2.
The author remixed this model.