Thanks a lot, in minutess I was able to improve a lot my first layer (although still has work to do).
I saw this video to help with my printer:

Thanks a lot, in minutess I was able to improve a lot my first layer (although still has work to do).
I saw this video to help with my printer:
I thought I had my first layer dial in, but I didn't. After testing with this print I finally got it almost perfect. This helped me some much! Thanks you!!
Made this yesterday on my IDEX printer. I think they look pretty good, but the R extruder looks better than the L extruder. I think the L extruder is a bit too close to the bed. Annoying this is, if I change the L extruder, then I have to change the R extruder aswell... (edited)
Thank you, helped me dial in my ABS!
Heartfelt thanks for the guide and the models! Finally getting closer to print PETG on satin sheet on my MINI+.
Thank You!
Does it work for AnkerMake m5?
@FutionF_2730897 what i did was use my regular settings then used the app to move the print head up when the printer got to the mark. I move the print head up by 0.05mm(by inputing -0.05 in the app). I watched the printer print if I didn't like what I was seeing I would move the z offset by -0.05(-0.1 from zero) until I liked the first layer. The test on the left was my first print. I started at 0 offset then started adding 0.05 mm at about +0.15mm offset i realized that a positive offset was moving the print head towards the bed. I put the offset back to zero then used negative numbers to move the head away from the bed. I liked an offset of -0.1 but tried a new print of with an offset of -0.05(right test in picture) it came out fine to me so I kept that offset in the app. I would move your print head up and test to see which way your z offset moves when you put in a negative number vs a positive one. You do run the risk of ramming your print head in the build plate if you start at a zero offset and start making big offset jumps.
@LocalPrinter_2991034 ohhh ok thank you :) if I fold the sheet should I see white from the plastic being stretched or should it stay the filaments color?
I forgot to remove 45° lines. The missing line is due to a tangle in the filament.