Hello there!
I designed an extendable vintage camera. This is a print-in-place model that doesn't require support.
It is my first try on modelling a model that has to disassemble itself into multiple components after printing. It is interesting experience and I will definitely be trying to get better at it. It seems very applicable in some engineering applications. For now it isn't all that good with all the wobble, but in other designs it will be better I hope.
I will not be updating this, as I feel really good about how this camera doodle came out, and I don't mind the wobble.
It uses raft-like configuration, and in CAD I designed it so there is 0,45 mm gap between case and the moving parts. You should set your layer height to half your layer gap distance in raft settings.
I sliced it in Cura with 0.2 mm layer height, 25% infill and a skirt. The infill can be as low as 5% I think, but I wanted mine to be a little heavier.
Feel free to remix this and share your makes and modifications. Cheers!
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.