Beyblade 'Rad' Driver kit (Legacy)

The Rad base kit is designed to grant improved customization to Beyblade Burst spin top Drivers.
updated October 2, 2022



  Stance-system offers an assortment of drivers, each with a different height, along with replaceable performance tips, to optimize a Beyblade to the blader's needs.  This kit also includes most of the parts to build the remainder of the driver assembly.

  Week 2 includes the Rad drivers.  Similar to Height, but more aggressive, and a tapered designed.

   In addition, 5 Performance Tips have been added.  A tip has been created to fulfill every role (Attack/Defense/Stamina/Balance), along with a bonus tip (Strange).  One last Blank has been added, so that anyone can make their own performance tip.

PLA works reliably for printing parts. Any material that is sturdy (PTEG/PLA+/ABS) and can be printed in detail should work, and is recommended.

Most parts should be made with 100% infill, and ideally with as much detail as possible.  All of these parts were made using a 0.4mm nozzle.

M2 6&4mm screw will be needed to assemble the final product, along with a spring.  Glue may be recommended used on some part you don't intend to disassemble later, but tips should require no glue, screws, or tools.


Keep an eye out for more kits, this wont be the last!


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
